Tuesday, June 23, 2020


 I have had Pekingese for most of my life.  Cranberry was one of my Pekes when I began doing rescue 17 years ago.  (She was very proud of herself for climbing on the table.)
 Scooterbug and Cranberry probably thought I'd lost my mind when I began bringing all these dogs into the house.
 I began helping with applications shortly after I started rescue.   Reviewing them, hoping to find wonderful homes for our dogs.
 I was surprised with some questions we received-- and these questions revealed a lot.
 "Are they good with kids?"  This is a good question- because many Pekes are not good with kids.  They can't put up with their quick movements or grabbing or hugging.  Granger loves his kids.
 One question that can be annoying is, "How much does it cost?"   I've had this question a lot.  One question I've NEVER had is, "How much have you spent on this precious Peke to get them healthy??" 
 I have had people say, "They're older, can't you lower the adoption fee?"   Or, "I'm on a limited income, can you waive the fee?"   If you can't afford the adoption fee, we wonder if you can afford their care.  We have such incredibly low adoption fees.  They haven't changed in years.  We spend so much on some of our foster dogs, over $1,000 and up.   Yet, their adoption fee might be $200. 
 I asked other rescuers what question annoyed them the most and it was, "How much is the dog."   Some people say our process is too detailed, we are too picky.
 We have people who really want to be a dog mom-- or dad.  They fill out the application, and first, they have to answer ALL the questions.   If they put N/A to some of them, it's harder to evaluate.  Some people don't want to put their age-- but age helps us determine the best fit.   We don't want a dog to overwhelm an owner.  I'm older now, and a puppy can be too active for me.  I personally adore the seniors.   Maybe that's because I'm a senior, too.
 Some people want them for a gift-- a Christmas gift or to surprise someone.  This is a bad reason to get a dog.   A person having a dog should be THEIR choice, not one given to them.  They need to be ready.
 Sometimes, we get multiple applicants for one dog-- sometimes, we have SO Many.  And they all might be wonderful.   So, we have to pick one.   We keep a list of approved people, so we ask them later if they're interested in a new one who comes in.   It helps when they stay in contact with me.  We have a rescue committee who help make decisions-- and kindness goes a long way with us.  So, thank you to those who have been kind. 
We do the best we can.  We can't adopt everywhere.  We won't transport our dogs to locations that are far away.   We do not fly our dogs.   We are a Virginia and Maryland rescue and sometimes go a little out of our area, but that is our purpose-- to help Pekes in our area and find homes in our area.
We have found homes for hundreds of Pekes in need.  We hope to continue to do that.   (Of course, we will need new and younger people to start to help.  We can't do this forever without that.)   Our adoption process is one of the fairest I have seen.  Some people don't like it-- they think just because they SAY they are a good owner, that should be enough.  It isn't.  We need vet checks to show they are good owners.   We do home checks to make sure the home is safe and loving.  After all the time and love we give, these Pekes have part of our hearts.  We don't just place them anywhere. 
We want to know they will be cherished as much as we cherish them.  We want to know their care will continue the way we have cared for them.   We want as perfect a home as we can find.  We have found so many-- and also found great friends in the process.   And we have Pekes who will forever be in our hearts.  That is a blessing.  💜

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who asks for a discount or wave the fee for a senior dog ...... get a stuffed toy!!!

    There.... I said it!!

    Dogs cost..... in money, energy to look after them, grooming and then the Vet bills. Oh then there is food and you have to walk them and perhaps put them in a boarding home when on holidays.. life is not super easy with a dog.
    But.... for all that you get such love.... I would not have it any other way.

    Nuh..... if you are worried about the cost and time spent ... there are lots of stuffed toys in the shops.
