Sunday, July 12, 2020


 Oh Crosby, I love your moms picture of you having a bath.
I did baths, too. Chumley has allergies so he has more baths than the rest. 
Paddington was still wet. Do I really have to brush him? 😩
 I trimmed Paddington, Piper, Chumley, and Minnie.   I have been trying to do it. I cannot get the hang of it with the comb blades on them. So I finger trim him.  Hold hair between my fingers and trim.  And trim.  And trim.  
It takes time. Minnie has ptsd. So she is like trimming a moving object.   None if them look professional.  But, that’s okay. They aren’t show dogs.  What a way to spend a Saturday.  I don’t think I’m the only one.  🤣


  1. On friday I gave Yum Yum a bath ( he was a touch smelly ) and then I got my hair-dryer out and away we go!!!
    Its winter so I cannot let him just air dry.
    He is not impressed with bathing like many other dogs! lol

  2. Oh my gosh, I can certainly relate. We have one whose coat is beautiful without having to trim, one we have to "send out" for a cut because he is a wiggle worm and won't hold still while we do it but is as meek as a lamb while the groomer gives him his summer cut and nail trim AND then there's Queen Willow who looks like either end could be her head and will tolerate trims but makes sure you know that it was a great imposition for her.
