Saturday, July 25, 2020


 Minnie has been w me almost two years.
 She came into rescue over two years ago and was an emotional wreck.  She needed time to trust again.  She will seek me out and she likes to keep an eye on me.
 She is on meds for her stress and is quiet most of the time.
 She will fuss at the others if they get too close.  She will bark softly if she is ready for me to carry her up the stairs.
 Other than that, she makes no noise.  She is our quiet one.  It’s okay.  She needed a safe space and we could give it to her.
In rescue, sometimes they just need to stay.  To stop moving.  She continues to make progress, two years later.  Sometimes, they need a quiet spot.  She found it here. 🥰


  1. So glad you kept her Linda .... I think she would go to pieces if moved again.

    What a sweet girl she is too.

  2. ❤️ we got a bonded pair of senior pekes from a peke rescue in Arkansas and it took Gertie (the girl) over a year to start to show her personality. Now she’s an absolute hoot! It is rewarding beyond measure to witness her finally feeling safe. She is still skittish about sudden noises but she’s so much happier. Her brother Charlie has done really well, too. They are wonderful and we are so glad we could keep them together.

  3. I have one just like Minnie and he too needed a place to rest and heal mentally after being rescued from a bad place with 6 children who tormented him and he was tied in their yard with a dog house year round.

    I was sworn to secrecy as to how he became free of that nightmare when we adopted him and we knew there was work ahead of us because of his trauma. He hid behind a filing cabinet and my husband spent hours on the floor talking to him until he would come out from there. He quickly bonded with my husband but remained afraid of everything and would seek out a hiding place if my husband was there to reassure him. It took almost two years before he would trust me to care for him.

    When we noticed that he was shaking and traced it to his mouth because he would try to eat but cried out at times so off to the vet we went. He didn't like being at the vet beforehand and he liked it even less when he had 11 teeth pulled. We were nearly back to square one and another visit to the vet to check if there was something physically wrong. He was afraid of his own dinner plate by then. She recommended we take a bottle of CBD oil to add to his food even we had to feed him on a place-mat which we did. Happy to say that he has since come out of his funk and plays with our other two rescue Pekes. He has now bonded with me and sleeps beside the bed by me.

    If these rescued Fur Kids could talk the probably could tell some terrible stories and I suppose it's better that we don't know.
