Friday, July 3, 2020


 Mitsy now Mitzie (just a spelling change) sent me an email.
 I just love staying in touch with my former foster dogs.  It makes my heart grow. 
Mitzie is so smart- and she sent me an email.   Here it is:  
Hi Ms Linda

It's me Mitzie. I just wanted to send you a "thank you" note.  My momma said it's the polite thing to do
Thank you for taking such good care of me and getting me all the medical stuff that I needed. You helped me to be able to see a little.

Thank you for finding me the best home. I love my momma. It took a little while to get to know her and my new daddy but I sure do love them now. My momma lets me sleep in the bed all the time, she feeds me good food and she carries me almost everywhere. She talks to me all the time and she says I helped to heal her heart.  I think that's a good thing.  💜
I had my first summer haircut on Sunday and I was very good. I am so much cooler now and I don't get grass in my fur.

I had my first vet visit with my vet today. He said my eyes look great I saw light and all that stuff. He said I was very healthy and that I have great parents, 
Thank you again.  Please tell Clara and Minnie and Piper and Paddington and everyone else Hi. 
PS I kinda let the gang here know that I kinda like to be a bit bossy.  🐶🐶🐕"
 Thank you, Mitzie, for emailing me.  You made my day! 


  1. I am so happy for you Mitzie!

    Now..... get off that computer and go outside and play!!! lol

  2. Oh what a nice thing to do. Loved seeing you so happy in your new home. I love getting to keep up with lucky new Pekes finding the perfect home.
