Saturday, July 18, 2020


 When we get them from shelters, we don't know their health or personality.  
We just know they need help.  
Some don't see well.
Some have been kept in horrific condition. 
Some are blind without eyes, some blind with eyes.
Some have lived on the streets for a long time, and are confused and malnourished.  
Some are young...
Some are old...
Some come to us and become more sick than we realized. 
Some aren't even Pekingese, but come in with a friend.
Some decide they want to stay with us-- they insist on it.   Some come for a short time, and then leave us.
Some have been found living outside..
Some come to us with PTSD and just need peace and care and love.
Some have been "almost Pekes" and their stories urge us to make exceptions and take them in.  We don't do it often, but I'm glad Tucker was one of the exceptions.
Some just need help..
And they become better and go to new homes. 
Some remain as permanent fosters because of medical or mental conditions.   But, they are loved.  
A rescue friend wrote the following and I thought it was so good.
 "Rescue isn't just helping the cute, fluffy, desirable dogs.  
Rescue is helping those animals that the public won't initially adopt because of appearance (the matted, stinky dog brought to shelters after years of neglect), health concerns, age, or behavior.
Responsible rescues step in to help these wayward souls to rehabilitate them so that the general public can see the beauty beneath.
Real rescues don't just help the occasional tough luck case and promote the animal as a fundraiser.
Real rescues don't compromise medical care or lower adoption standards because of money.
Real rescues know their limitations and do not take more animals than can be properly provided for.
Real rescue is tough.
 It's rewarding."
And it is filled with love!
Real rescue is hard, but the rewards are so wonderful.  

1 comment:

  1. Your friend was so true .... real rescue is for any animal pretty or not so pretty.... they are all God's creatures and need love and kindness.

    This is what you all do so well Linda .... everyone of you in rescue.

    XXX to you all.
