Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Yum Yum and his mom, Melinda, live in Australia, so they read my"hot days" blogs and wish we could send them a little warm air.   It's pretty cold there right now.  Here, it's HOT.
When it's really hot, it's time to be inside for our flat faced friends.   Teddy found a kitchen floor vent and he has taken it over. 
The dogs, big and small, love floor vents.
Louie found a cool spot.   
Chip's mom said he loves the sunshine-- she has to make him come inside.  I've had Pekes like that, too.   Oh my!

So, keeping dogs/pets cool when it's so hot outside:
1. NEVER LEAVE IN A CAR.  Not even for a moment.  
2. Flat faced dogs can't cool down well.  They can't be left outside.  They shouldn't even use doggy doors on hot days like this.  If you aren't home, they may overheat and not be able to get back in.
3.  Take SHORT walks and carry water for them.  They can overheat so quickly.
4.  Sidewalks and asphalt especially, can be blistering hot.   If you can't walk on it barefoot, you shouldn't have your dog walk on it.  
5. Make popsicles for your dog.  You can add a little chicken brother to flavor and they will love them.  You can make them in ice cube trays and just pop one out for them. 
6.  Keep refreshing their water dish with cool clean water.  
7.  Cooling mats are wonderful for some dogs.  You can even fill a hot water bottle with COLD water.  
8.  Don't take walks in the hottest part of the day.  
 Chewy, one of our blind adopted Pekes, loves to go camping.   He enjoys the water in the lake, with close supervision by his dad.   
Sometimes, he just goes into the air conditioned camper.   My kind of dog!
 Bennett found a cool spot
Snuffles is under a fan.  Oh, the breeze!
Jules loved the floor vents, too.  💜

IF your dog becomes overheated, get them to the vet.   You can also put their feet in water-- not cold water.  You want them to begin to cool down.  You can do this while someone drives you to the vet.  Squirt water into their mouths, hold a cool, wet towel on them.  Pekes and other flat faced dogs can have throat swelling due to the heat, and they can't breathe well.  If your dog is dizzy, panting a lot, drooling... get them to the vet!  

Heat stroke damage can show up even days later.   So, if in doubt, go to the vet!
Granger loves his walks, but right now they are very short.   And he loves the floor vents.  Yes he does!!   He's staying cool on these hot days.   


  1. Oh so nice to be warm Linda! lol

    Yum Yum is on the floor vent right now but its blowing hot air here!

    Stay cool and make sure your dog - Peke or any other breed is cool.... so important.

  2. I love the vent Pekes. We have three here who "own" their own floor vent and thankfully there are 4 vents in the living room area so we humans can get some of the cool air. And if it gets cold enough in winter they will use their vents to warm up after a play period outside.
