Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 Rascal has come so far.  He found an open crate to rest in.
 He has become part of a healthy pack.  That’s Dickson in front and little Abigail in back.
 He has learned the house and where the door is.
 He now barks to go outside!
 The dynamic duo again.  Dickson is about 11-12 and also one of our foster dogs.
 After a long day, he curls up for a nap.
 His hair (which had to be completely shaved because of severe matting) is growing back.
 He stays by Toni, his foster mom, while she works.
 And sometimes, he really wants to help.
 He’s doing so well!
He’s even giving little kisses.   He’s a senior and available for adoption.   ❤️
His foster mom said, “ He is so stinkin' cute!  Oh my!  I just love his little Rascal attitude!  He does something all the time!  Very entertaining!  Not sleeping as much this week as in the past.  And, he loves running with the pack.  He isn't afraid of any of them either.  If they yell at him, he yells right back!”  He’s a great little boy!

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