Monday, October 26, 2020


Granger cane to visit but he didn’t want to stay.  I don’t know why. Our house is so quiet and calm — NOT. Actuslly, I’ve gotten used to the new pace w have here.  Kids. Dogs. Voices. Laughter. Love. Joy.  
At night, the Bits and I climb into bed and read stories and then, I have quiet reading time.  My time.  Of course Zoey is close by.  She’s allowed there until lights are turned off.  Then, she goes to her crib. 
But, the dogs were taking over last night. Callie Hound was up there, too. 😳. Wait a minute. 
You can see Zoey’s crib— I can reach my hand in if she needs me   But, she usually settles right down and goes to sleep.  
Barty though he was incognito under the bed. Nope. I see you. 

Sugar Bit sometimes wants to be close so she has a bed there, too. It’s a full house. We love it. 
Today, I will go to a shelter to pick up dogs whose owner died. I have several cars going and lots of crates.  Pray that all goes well and that we can help each one and start them on a new journey.   More coming in this trip.   Thank you for all the love you give our rescue. 


  1. That is a bed of dogs there Linda!!! LOL

    I wish you ALL the best when you go up and get those dogs. Oh that must be hard.

  2. Please allow this Monday and the entire week to go well, not only for the new rescue operation but for all of us .
