Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Paddington and Piper came to us in February of 2019.   He was so quiet and easy then.
He was and is a beautiful boy.  
His brother, Piper, adores him and vice versa.  We should have a DNA test done on Piper.  We don't really know what he is.  Llasa-Poo?  
Paddington came into his own once we adopted him.   He got into mischief and was jealous at times and wanted to be FIRST.   He knew Daddy loved him, so he made sure he told him all about his troubles.
Most of the time, Paddington is so good.   We are learning what can set him off.   
He really is a good boy-- right?   
A friend laughs at his antics -- don't encourage him.  LOL   She said she was going to begin saving for a "bail fund."  I thought that was hysterical.   Bail for Paddington aka Bad Pad.   

We don't really need it since the furthest he is banished is the laundry room.   😆  I'm sure there will be more "Bad Pad" moments.  I just hope they are few and far between.  He really wants to be a good boy.  💕


  1. Oh .... he could not be That bad Linda!! lol

  2. Paddington is just misunderstood. He means well but sometimes he gets too enthusiastic about things.
