Thursday, October 8, 2020


Snuffy, Hannah and Sunny-- Snuffy is "over ten" from shelter records.  So, he's not a Golden Senior yet, but he sure is cute.  They all are.  (The term "golden senior" is mine-- so don't google it. LOL)
Is Zoey a Golden Senior-- well, she's 11-12, so not yet.
My Chumley is definitely a Golden Senior.  He's 15.  He has cancer now, but most days, he does great.  His tail still wags-- he loves his dumb bell toy.  He does sleep a lot, but he's Golden!  They DO sleep a lot.
Peanut has fought many medical issues lately, but he's still here.  He's 14-- Golden status!
His non-Peke sister, Lillie, is 16.  She was adopted as a senior.  People who adopt seniors are heroes to me!  
Peanut's sister is a Bulldog and is 9-- in Bulldogs, that's old.   So, she's Golden, too.   
Maggie is 16.  She's a precious little girl.  She gets special food now and has special needs, but she's still  being loved. 
Machi is 16 and was recently adopted and his new mom absolutely adores him.  He is her lap dog.  
Teddy is almost 15!   Yes, he qualifies to be a Golden Senior.  
Susie's mom posted her picture as a Golden Senior.  Look at her smile!  She sure doesn't look Golden!
Sweet boy King is 16-- Being a Golden Senior sometimes means more medical issues.  King is one of our forever fosters, and is having the best care any dog could hope for.   Kay and Claretta have many seniors now, and he is part of their pack.
So is BG.  Oh, the names we could come up with for BG-- Baby Girl, Bad Girl, Beautiful Girl... the list goes on.   She can be a pistol at times, so being a Golden 15 hasn't slowed her down in that aspect. LOL  

Fletch came into rescue in 2013.  He was supposed to be about 6 years old then.  He was thin, and scared, but he began the best boy!!   He is about 13 now, so he's approaching Golden status.   We'll just say he's a happy senior now.  I could come up with names for seniors.   Young seniors... Happy seniors.   Golden seniors... On and on.  Whatever we call them, we really do love them!  💜

1 comment:

  1. The only Golden Seniors in my house is my husband and I !!! LOL
