Wednesday, October 28, 2020


We found out there were Pekes in a North Carolina shelter whose owner had passed away suddenly.
We were able to help six of them (another rescue was also involved) and some went with family members.
Their owner had been overwhelmed and the dogs needed help.   
We think the ones we got are from ages 4-8 or 9.   
We loaded them up into five crates.  Somehow, the side door of one jiggled open and Licorice came to try to join us in the front.   ðŸ’—
"Are you going to help me?"  You bet we are
They weren't sure what was going on, but they were friendly.
Going to a shelter is hard on the emotions.   You want to take them all, but you can't.    We took all the Pekes we could.  
We DID get six and their lives are going to have medical care and lots of love.  
They waited for their turn to be loaded them in.
Her little paw came up to the front.   
Once they were all in, we were ready to go.
These two are bonded, and a cute Peke mix.  
I'm so glad we had them, right when this rescue happened, because the little one needed emergency surgery.  She would have died within days if she hadn't had it yesterday.
We got to the vet and they were waiting for us!   (I LOVE my vet.)    This one reminds me of my Chumley.  💙
This is Sissy, ready to be helped.    
A groomer came in on her day off to help get them all cleaned up and trimmed.  THANK YOU, HEATHER!!    This is Katie, who is bonded with Sheri.  I didn't get her picture because she was in ICU getting fluids, preparing her for surgery.  Pyometra can kill a dog so fast-- that's why we always spay our foster dogs -- and our own.
This is Licorice-- he's graying, but not that old.
Sissy was giving the groomer kisses, thanking her for taking such good care of her.
Little Bogie was wagging his tail and giving kisses.     His is brown with a white saddle, and he reminds me of Chumley is his coloring and personality.  I wonder if he likes dumbbell toys. :-)
This is Blondee.   She is heartworm positive and will stay in my area in a foster home to have her treatment.   Some of the others have bladder infections, ear infections.... We are taking care of it all because of our great support friends.   We couldn't do it without you.   Stay tuned for updates.   They are all in my vet for medical care, but will be moving to foster homes soon.   They have their own private area at the vet and are receiving extraordinary care.   Thank you, Acredale Animal Hospital in Virginia Beach.  


  1. I am so glad y’all were able to rescue these sweet dogs and get them back safely to Virginia. I know you all take such wonderful care of the rescues and fosters. Thank you, everyone, for your devotion and love for the fur kids!❤️❤️❤️I am already in love with Little Bogie.

  2. Your Vet and groomer are wonderful people ... in fact you ALL ARE !!!!
    Just heart breaking to see all those dogs and you can only take a few.
    That is hard to deal with but you put "your big girl pants on" and off you all went to get them!!
    I admire you all so much!!!!!

    My girls that I had long time ago now had pyometra... that is why I got them as X breeding pekes.

    Oh yes Linda .... I do see Chumley in Bogie and you know I have a soft spot for Licorice.. like a older Yum Yum ! lol

    Once they are well and getting healthier , everyone of those darling Peke's will make a wonderful companion for some very lucky people !!!

  3. They took in a portion of my Mom's Pekes, who were all her babies. Please help support this wonderful Foster to Adoption Rescue.
