Monday, November 2, 2020


My Chumley came into rescue in September of 2014.   My friend, Susan, got him out of the shelter and named him.  It was a perfect name.  
He had not been cared for and his skin was a mess, so he was shaved down.  Life changed that day.  
He LOVED the Bits.    And one of the Bits, Bitty Bit, loved him.
I had him over six years-- years of joy and throwing toys.  
We didn't really know how old he was, but it didn't matter.   
He wasn't going anywhere-- no matter how old he was.  
He had the best personality.
And he LOVED his dumbbell toy!!   
He was so good with all the dogs here-- not an alpha bone in his body.  Floyd and Starlight loved him.
It's been a rough three years-- many of my own dogs and my foster dogs have passed away.  So many.  12 so far.  (Kai Kai, Max, Clara, Mr. Timothy, Cami Bear, Nala and BeeBee, Floyd, Starlight, and my daughter's dog Pi, who was such a good dog.)    Just too many.
Chumley loved to hide.   I never had a dog I had to look for so much.  He could find the strangest places to hide.
He loved his nap.
But, he also liked to know what was going on.
He loved to be close-- he was so loving.
He had a clean bill of health early in the summer.  
He had a dental and his bloodwork was good.
And then, something wasn't right.    He had another bout of HGE which he had fought for years.
He kept going-- meds helped.
My wonderful vet checked him out and it looked like something was going on.  
He had surgery and the biopsy showed he had aggressive melanoma.   I knew he wouldn't be with us long, but I hoped I was wrong.
I held him and spent extra time with him.  
He kept trying to hold on.  
I wasn't ready for him to leave-- and he wasn't either.  But, I knew he would join Max soon.  
And Clara,
and Kai Kai.   
I thought he was doing okay.
He was eating well.   
His tail still wagged.
He napped-- he was an old boy after all.
He hung out wherever we were.
We had extra time with him and I'm grateful.   
The Old Gang is now together again.  Max, Kai Kai and Chumley-- my sweet boys.
You were so special.  You were our boy.  Your tail is still wagging and I know you're waiting for us.  We love you, Chumley.   Run free sweet one.  💙


  1. Oh Linda...... big hugs to you from the Aussie's.

    Mr Chum was your boy and I know you will miss him so.

    XXX Melinda and Yum Yum

  2. There are no words to make this better. Through Linda we have lost so many and I recall one very special to my heart who left us, the beautiful Joyful Grace made my heart heavy with sorrow. This year brought even more heartbreak but we're all too familiar with that kind of pain.

    Fly free sweet Chumley and say hello to my Patches and Cupcake. Tears this morning are hard to stop. So much grief, so much lost and so much worry about my friends on Facebook and everywhere.


  3. Oh what a sweet boy, you gave him so much love and he gave it right back to you. We all have to remember and speak out loud about the loving pets that honored us with their presence in our lives. That keeps their memory alive, and I know from experience that their little spirits are still with us every day. Some of them send us another dog to be loved because they were so loved by us. We are really blessed to have had them on our lives and we will see them again. Now they are with their friends and family and are happy and healthy. God Bless
