Monday, November 30, 2020


Mitzie has been in her new home with my friend, Amee, for awhile now.   

She LOVES Amee.  
It is a perfect fit-- Mitzie loves her new home and all the attention she gets.
She even sent me an email-- "Happy Thanksgiving Eve Ms. Linda, its Mitzie.  I asked momma if I could send a quick email since it's been 7 months in my new home.

I am doing really good. I stay snuggled up to momma most days now. I rarely ever try to nip anymore. I let momma carry me most everywhere. I can walk fine but she likes to snuggle up to me. I even give kisses more now. I like my sister Mollie though she barks alot, momma said it's because she never really got over being scared when she was given up. We sleep together with momma

I am ready for Christmas. There is so much Christmas stuff here. I am sorry I won't see you because of Covid for the meeting mom says is usually here but wow I am was in the Peke calendar 

Well Happy Thanksgiving and have a very Merry Christmas.  I know I will. 
Love Mitzie"

Mitzie was so excited.  Her mom decorates early and we usually have our Christmas meeting at her house-- and it's so much fun!!  But, COVID.  Ugh.  We can't go this year.  I hate that.  I'll miss driving to her home in the country and seeing all her incredible decorations.   I'll miss seeing my friends in rescue and all the food we all bring.

Mitzie sent me some pictures and I'll be sharing more later.   Her trees are so much fun.  
Her house is so much fun.   
Decorating wore out Mitzie, so she's just hanging out, taking a nap, and dreaming of Santa.   
Share your holiday pictures!!   

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a beautiful girl Mitzie is .... she looks like she has settled in a treat!

    That is really sad about the Peke meeting .... it always looks like one "bang up" Party!!!

    Lets hope covid will be gone this time next year and you can all meet up and Party Hard!!!

    * I put my tree up today....oh boy I need a drink! LOL
