Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Zoey and I decided to take a break Sunday so we got in the car and off we went. 
We went to visit my daughter.  She has horses!   This is Jazzy, her pony. 
We saw pigs!
What is that Zoey?
She thought they were very strange looking.  If only she could have heard the funny sounds they made. 
Zoey met Annie.  Annie is an Arabian who is now 28 years old.  My daughter got her when she was in college.   
Jazzy is 27–they are both very old.  
I let Zoey walk around.  She was intrigued w all the new smells!  
She even got on a truck.  Wow!
Look how big she is— she is about 11 pounds now. 
We went to a coffee house and got a treat and watched a band playing. 
Everyone there thought Zoey was adorable. Especially a Lab-Husky that thought she was cute.  
We had a nice, needed break and came home that evening.  That’s why there was no blog on Monday.  I just took some time off.  It did us both good. 


  1. I would say that you were long overdue for a break and running away for a afternoon with Zoey is just what a doctor would recommend,
