Monday, December 21, 2020


I love the Christmas pictures of your dogs.  I’ve used this before, but I just had to use it again.  
Zoey has on a red, glitter sweater. 
Can we say Christmas? 🌲🌲
Minnie is in a snowflake blanket. 
Definitely says Christmas to me.  
Zoey is checking out the presents. 
Are any for her? 🌲❄️
Hannah was one of my foster puppies, and she is wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.  
Bogie and Sissy are doing great in their new home, but I made sure I took pictures of them by our Christmas tree. 
Barty, my granddog, and...
Callie are all ready.  
Paddington loves all the Christmas decorations. He looks so cute w our holiday pillows.  He doesn’t want to be on the naughty list, so he’s being extra good. 
This looks like Paddington.  It COULD be Paddington. 🤣
Sami and Jasmine were both rescued and have come a long way w their new mom, Dot, and her family. They are ready for Christmas. 
Keep posting your pictures.  🌲🌲

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