Sunday, December 27, 2020


Sophia has such a wonderful life.   But, I want to know how Sophia did in her socks. 😀. Tell me what you think, sweet girl. 
She loves her walks and going places w her mom. 
She receives a lot of attention.  
When it’s warm, she has a fan on her bed on the deck. 
She has toys for every season.  
She surveys her world. 
She found where her blankets were kept and curled up on the whole stack. 
She has theme oriented blankets.  She is an indulged - and loved- little girl. 
At Christmas, she was busy.  She has her own ornament. 
She contemplated what she wanted for Christmas. 
She went to see Santa and told him secrets and wishes. 
Waiting in line to be carried in to see Santa was unusual but it was worth it.  It was so nice to still see Santa in person. 
She got to go out in the snow.   Wow, was it cold! 
“Is more coming?”  
She has relaxed during Christmas break.  I’m not sure it’s a break since her mom is working from home like so many others.  I know Sophia is a big helper!  
It’s a good time to relax and enjoy the season.  🌲🌲


  1. Oh my gosh she is adorable in her little socks, Such a great STORY TO READ TONIGHT..

  2. Oh Sophia what a life !

    So easy to spoil little Sophia as she is just so cute!
