Friday, December 18, 2020


There was a lot of snow in some areas of the east coast.  Sir Oliver was checking it out. 
Thurston and Thea were having a blast.  Their coats kept them warm. 
Zoey was all Christmassy here — but no snow. 
Friends shared their pictures. 
One dad cleared an area for his dogs. 
A friend posted this from New York.  
And it was still snowing.  
Buffy, in Virginia, said “what IS all that?!”
She looked outside.  Nope, she wasn't interested in putting her feet in that. 
When her dad went to take her out, she went limp. 🤣
Patch and Abner in another part of New York were cold, but there was no snow. What?!
Patch was fine w that.   He will just sleep and wait to see if some comes.   


1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the snow photos!!!

    I have never had Christmas with snow.
