Saturday, January 30, 2021


Daisy (of the Potomac Six) has come to visit. 
Her foster parents went out of town so Daisy is staying w us. 
Bogie, Zoey and Sissy were excited at first, but then...
Daisy is such a happy girl. 
She loves belly rubs. 
She just had her second heartworm treatment.  
So, as cute as she is, we can’t let her run around. 
Bogie is keeping an eye on Daisy while I hold her. 
Zoey and Sissy are resting.  They don’t care. 
Daisy will rest and be held and go slow.  
She has her own area to rest.  We can’t let her play or move fast.  It’s critical at this stage of treatment. 
She’s going to nap w the others for now. With me right there to make sure she rests.  She’s such a precious girl. 💖

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