Monday, January 11, 2021

Chien Chien 2005-2021.

Chien-Chien was rescued and adopted in 2008.   
I heard about her being in a Roanoke shelter-- it was before we had a more extensive network of helpers.  So, I drove five hours to get her from the shelter there.   She was a beauty.
You can't tell in this picture, but her coat was a beautiful reddish color.
Chien-Chien (formerly Penny) was only about three years old, and I'm not sure how this sweet girl ended up in a shelter.
We had a wonderful person that was looking for the right dog.
Chien-Chien was perfect.    Look at her coat after Elizabeth had her.  
She had lived in Virginia, but then she moved to California.   Chien-Chien made the trip with her mom and became a California Girl.
Chien-Chien slowed down as she got older, but every need she had was taken care of.   Her mom loved her so much.   
Her eyes were so expressive and she watched all around her. 
Chien-Chien was 16 years old when she passed away last week.   Her absence is keenly felt by her mom whose life revolved around her.  She is now with so many others who have gone before her-- I'm sure there was quite a welcome at the Rainbow Bridge.   Run free now, sweet Chien-Chien.   


  1. Thank you, Linda. Chien Chien was a spirited and joyful little peke despite her disabilities (she had hydrocephalus, hip dysplasia and numerous allergies). She couldn't walk far but in her last two years enjoyed riding in her stroller. Chien Chien sat regally and loved accepting compliments. But the years of medication took its toll on her liver and kidneys. I miss her terribly.

    Thank you for going above and beyond what anyone expected to save this girl. We later learned she was a puppy mill survivor, thrown away after used up as a breeder. I was the lucky one to be her Momma. ❤️💕

  2. Oh what a beauty Ms Chien Chien was and to live to such a long life for a Pekingese-16.

    Hugs to her Mum as I know you will miss that pretty "California Girl" ... love from the Aussies.

  3. Thank you Lady Jicky for your kind words. Thank you to Sally MacDonald for helping me to adopt Ms. Chien Chien, but most of all thank you to Linda Maxwell, our Peke Angel Rescuer. ❤️💕
