Monday, January 25, 2021


I told you that I like to use January to slow down.   So do the dogs.   Beds by the fireplace are awesome.   
I see pictures that make me make me just want to sit and look at it.  SO relaxing.  Quiet.  Do you have quiet in your life this month?  
Kim's girl agrees that fireplaces are wonderful.
Luna, Monk and Nippy had their baths this week-end, and now they are ready for some relaxing moments.
Fancy didn't know how to relax at all, but she has made some wonderful steps.  She is resting against her foster mom's shoulder.  Such a gift to see this. 💜
Bogie is great at relaxing.   He can do it anywhere, any month.
Zoey can relax.  I need to learn how to do it better.  How do you relax in January?  

1 comment:

  1. We have this little alcove off our living room with rocking chairs and bookcases full of my favorite authors, a cookbook shelf for my collection, mementos from my passage down life's road and assorted Pekingese related things so I love sitting in there looking at everything. We are planning on putting in a propane or pellet stove to keep us warm when the power goes off (often) so I can look forward to a faux fireplace with fake logs and a blaze flickering. I even love relaxing with the lights off.
