Monday, January 18, 2021


Hugo lives in New York and his family fell on rough times, like so many others have been going through.  
Gus, my friend Susan's dog, had passed away in October of 2019.  I've been looking for a dog for her since then.  We had one, but Susan saw how much his foster family loved him and wanted them to keep him.   
Then, Susan heard of Hugo.  His family needed a new home for him, and Susan adopted him.  
He wasn't what she thought of having-- he was young.  She thought of an older one, but Hugo was just about dropped in her lap-- unplanned but perfect timing.
He is adjusting so well to his new home with her.  He's fitting right in.
He was trying out a pink shirt today. LOL  PINK?   He wanted to wear it proudly.  Men can wear pink!  
No, I'm not making fun of him, well, maybe a little.  He's just so cute!
Sometimes, we think we know what kind of dog we want-- old, young, perfect or not perfect.  But, sometimes, life has another plan for us.  And Hugo was part of the plan for Susan.  I'm so glad for them both! Hugo is now an honorary member of our PVPC family.   Welcome!!


  1. It’s amazing how the pups find the right human! 😊

  2. So happy for Sue and Hugo! Hugo is a lucky dog to have Sue as his mom!
