Thursday, February 11, 2021


What's your dinner time like?   Minnie wants to know.   
Zoey is not a beggar.  She doesn't care if we are eating.  
Sometimes, we eat at the table, but if it's just us, we might sit on the couch and eat.   Bogie is okay with that.  
In fact, Bogie and Sissy are both okay with that.   They love to have company on the couch.
HOWEVER... Callie, Barty, Piper and Paddington watch us like hawks.  A morsel might hit the floor.
Sissy is watching, too, but she doesn't really expect anything.  I don't feed any dogs from the table-- or the couch.  LOL  I rarely give them people food-- they might get a carrot, but I am pretty tough about giving them food that isn't part of their diet.  I've had dogs who reacted badly and medically, to food that isn't meant for them.  So, I am a strict person on food.
PLEASE!   Callie is a BEGGAR.   Piper is right there, too.  Both noses pointed at us.
PLEASE!   Nope, not going to happen.  Seems the Pekes are getting the message. The "nosey" dogs still don't get it.  I always feed them first, so they aren't hungry.  They just want my food.  😂


  1. Yum Yum loves to eat but I am sad to say.... he has these eyes Linda and he uses them when we eat!

  2. We started something that we shouldn't have done and that is giving all three of our bunch "people food" or so they think. Actually it's the same stuff they get at their feeding time...carrots, green beans and sometimes, diced up chicken or liver morsels.

    They aren't really hungry since they are fed their own meal about 45 minutes before we eat,
