Monday, February 1, 2021


Gizmo and Leo are brand new to rescue.   Their condition is pretty rough.   
They were dirty and "stuff" was stuck to their back side, and they were badly matted.
Mats hurt!  They pull the skin and cause sores.   Both of them need their mouths looked at and vaccines, and bloodwork, and tick panels.... and..... The Works.   They landed in the right place.
You can see Leo's coat was long, but full of knots.   (He met the foster cat.  HMM, what is that?)
His foster mom's groomer saw them yesterday.  (Thank you to your groomer, Betsy!!)
And look how much better they look.   
Their nails were curled up and going into the pads-- but that's been fixed.
Oh, this sweet face.    They feel so much better already.  
Next is a visit to the vet to begin medical care.   These are two really sweet boys.   I'm so glad they came to rescue.

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