Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Sissy walked outside and snowflakes were fluttering down on her black coat. They didn't last-- it was above freezing, barely.  But, it's fun to watch it come down.
We seem to be getting more snow than the east coast has had for years! 
Buffy is just flying over it-- are you trying to get inside?  It's cold out there.  
Bubba said, "Yahoo!"
Dixie looks like she's stuck.
Rocky is eating snow.   Make sure it's CLEAN snow! 
Puddles is checking out the fence line.   Are you finding treasures? 
Crosby looked at the white stuff covering his yard and was saying, "Oh, My!"  
Louie said he wanted to go inside.  
Stewart just knew someone would take care of him.  I love Stewart!  (He was one of my foster dogs.❤️)
Happy is Stewart’s brother.  They are both blind, but they are happy boys.  Everyone seems to love the snow!! 

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