Wednesday, February 24, 2021


We had a request to take in this little 7 year old.   
Her family had turned her into the shelter.  They had adopted her five years ago from the same shelter.   
Dolly was in the house when a break in occurred.  She was traumatized-- and in typical Peke behavior, she became more protective of her family.   She began to not like strangers in the house-- she was loyal to her family. 

We first went to the vet.   She had all the tests done we do (4DX, bloodwork, urinalysis, ear and eye check, and teeth checked.   She needs a dental badly, and has a heart murmur.  (The two could be related-- bad teeth can effect the heart.)   
I took her to her foster home and we saw Dickson!!   He is a forever foster now and so sweet.  
We saw Rascal.  His foster mom adopted him.  Look at that little snaggle tooth!
Dolly was nervous, but never acted badly.   Changes can be hard, but she is so sweet.
She is under ten pounds, but could gain a little bit.   She curled up with Layla, one of the dogs there.
Dinnertime?  Yum!!  She ate every bit!   
She tried all the beds and found one she liked.   We are not accepting applications at this time for her.  We want her to decompress and realize she is worth loving.  And she is!  


  1. Oh she is so sweet.
    I do hope she can relax a lot and get her mouth and heart seen to.

    Dolly looks like a wonderful Peke.

  2. I'm surprised at the number of people unaware that our Furs can and frequently are traumatized by many of the things we humans find scary and frightening.

    My Bandit is a PTSD dog and it has tahen years for him to come out of his shell. When he finally did, it happened after I had a very bad fall and Bandit refused to let 2 burly firemen and 2 EMTs near me while I lay on the floor.

    I hope more people would realize that our Pekes look upon us a family and take their work seriously.
