Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Our daughters gave us a week-end away as a Christmas present.   Zoey got to go with us.  She curled up on the floor (or my lap) in the car.  She was hooked into a seat belt.
We drove three hours away-- through ice glazed trees.
It was stunningly beautiful.
I had never seen trees that seemed frosted.  ❆❆
The mountains were colder and had some snow.   Zoey wore a double sweater outside.
Our cottage had views of the mountains.
There were rockers on the porch, but I brought one inside.  I wasn't sitting outside in the cold.
It was 24 degrees when we arrived, but it got down to 12 degrees.  (Melinda, that's -11C in Australia!)
There was a winery at the edge of the property, but we practiced social distancing and had an isolated week-end.  (We were able to get some wine there.)
The mountains were so pretty.
Zoey didn't need a leash-- but it helped on icy areas, so she didn't just slide away.  LOL
She told me she wanted to go "that way."  She liked walking south-- when I tried to turn her around, she would not go.  So, I had to carry her.  All 11 pounds.
We walked and saw sheep near us.
We listened to a brook near by.
The cottage was pet friendly and had bowls set up for her.
There was a TV and fireplace, but I put my rocker where I could read and see the beauty outside.
Zoey found the fireplace.
I brought a blanket to cover the bed so she could be up there, too.
Sometimes, she just curled up in her soft bed.
The others were so excited when we came home (our daughter watched them), but Zoey had a week-end with just us, all to herself.   It was so relaxing and good to get away.   


  1. Oh Linda.... 11c , now that is a 3 or 4 jumper temp !!!

    What a lovely break and I would have that rocker inside too!

    Did you buy Red or White wine ? If its that cold I should imagine they make champagne too!

    Looks like Zoey had the time of her life ... all 11 pounds of her! LOL

  2. She’s so adorable!!! I know she had soooo much fun!
