Monday, March 1, 2021


Fancy came to us in September.  She couldn't be touched.   Look at her now.
She was living in a car with her owner.   Her owner was taken to a facility because she was unable to care for herself-- or of Fancy.  We don't know what Fancy went through.  It must have been a lot.
We haven't listed Fancy for adoption-- but she's making progress.
A dog who couldn't be touched now trusts her foster mom.  Lisa is still very patience with her, soft voiced sweet with her.
A neighbor came over and she gently held out food for Fancy.  Fancy wasn't at all sure about this-- but she took it.  That's a huge step.
At first, Fancy had to be in an xpen.  Lisa would get in with her, and just sit.  Not reach out. Not pet Fancy.  Just sit.  And wait.  And be calm.  A dog who has been traumatized takes a long time to rehabilitate.  And when they are ready for adoption, it has to be a very special place.  A place that will continue to be patient with a dog who is learning to trust again.  
Fancy now is able to be with the pack.  She no longer needs an xpen.  She has come so far.  Rescue moms/dads need patience and love.  That's what we are able to do for the dogs we get.  We don't rush them.   I'm so grateful to be part of this wonderful rescue group.   We give the dogs the time they need to heal.  💜


  1. I can only guess what Fancy has been through and I do feel for her original owner too.
    Some people have a hard time at life and that does not make it easier for their pets if they have them.

    I do hope Ms Fancy can relax and find just the right family for her.... she deserves it.

  2. Sweet Fancy, how hard it must be to come into a rescue with loving and caring members who genuinely care. I have a PTSD Peke and while he wasn't a biter, he needed love and understanding and still needs a reassuring gentle hand and voice to help him not to go back into his shell.
