Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Precious Lillie belonged to Sarah for the last year and a half of her life.
She came to her in May of 2019 after her owner died.
Lillie was special because she was sight and hearing impaired.  
That didn't  bother Sarah a bit.  Those aren't bad things-- she just saw and heard with her heart.
Lillie had the best care with Sarah.   
No matter what she needed, she got it.
She was beautiful.  She was happy.  She knew she was loved.
Lillie loved her beds.
She loved her food.
Napping was fun.
Jammies were okay. 😂
Lillie was getting old and it was showing.  Sarah knew the time was coming to say good-bye.
It's never easy.
She was loved.  Run free, now sweet girl.   Her mom said, "She has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, and I see her as a beautiful angel version of herself who can see, who has a healthy body, and who is happily dancing and jumping and playing. I miss you so much already, my sweet. 💔💔💔"


  1. Lillie was a sweet little princess with an amazing spirit and heart. She will be missed.

  2. I am so sorry I missed this post Linda !

    I am glad Ms Lillie had a wonderful place to stay in her twilight years.

    Hugs to you all that looked after this pretty one.
