Wednesday, March 3, 2021


12 years ago in January, a friendship began.   Teddy was one of our foster dogs.
I remember seeing the application and thinking, "it's not in our area."  They lived in NC.  (We do adopt in NC now, if we can find people to do home checks.)
But, I loved the application and I loved how much care and love they gave to their dogs.   So, Teddy went to them.   And he had beach adventures, and lots of friends.
He celebrated many birthdays.  
His moms joined our team and helped us foster, and became part of our board.  Tina was fostered there and found a forever home there.
I learned more about Dobermans from them.   (My sister had Dobies, too.)   Kay and Claretta loved Pekes and Dobies and they all got along.  The Dobies thought they were Pekes, and the Pekes thought they were Dobies.
They fostered so many, and Tucker was one of them.  What incredible care they gave him during the life he had with them.   He thrived because of them.   (He was in horrific shape.)
We were asked to help King Wyatt in July of 2019.   He looks so good here.
But, when he came to us, he was covered in fleas and had sores all over.   
He was hungry, too.  But, he thrived there.  
Life began for him when he went to live with Kay and Claretta.
He began to heal.   He was 16, so we didn't think he had that long to live-- he fooled us!
He found love and security.  He discovered toys.
His eyes began to look bright, even though he was very vision impaired.
He knew where they were though.
Both, Teddy and King were struggling with many health issues.  But, they kept going.  They didn't want to leave.   They were given any care they needed.  Fluids, syringe feeding, special care.  If they needed it, they got it.  
Their sister, Maggie, died last month, and losing two more was devastating.
Their Christmas photo will be so cherished.
I'm so grateful that a friendship with Kay and Claretta began 12 years ago when they adopted Teddy.  A friendship that continues and grows.   They are amazing people.   We share so much and have worked  together to help Pekingese in our area.  
Run free now, Teddy and King.  
You were both so loved.  💗💙

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs to you .... having two little ones leave is just so hard.

    I adore that Christmas photo of all their Peke's on the couch.

    *How did they keep them all on the couch and not jumping off ?? lol
