Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Paddington and Piper have been here for two years now.  Is it that long?  They both have a birthday in March.  Piper is six and Paddington is now five. 
Piper and Zoey hung out in the snow. Piper is very laid back and a good brother. 
Paddington has become more tolerant of Bogie.  
That might be because Bogie is more alpha. 🤣 “Mom!” 
Piper is (I think)  a Llasa Poo. He uses his nose to open standing gates.  Little stinker.  Pekes can’t do that. 
They even let Bogie curl up for an ottoman nap.  They all love the ottoman. It’s a great spot to see what is happening outside.  
They sometimes guard the yard together.   A squirrel might run by. 
Paddington and Piper had their yearly check yesterday.  We knew that Paddington had some knee issues.  Now we know he needs surgery to fix a luxating patella.  You’ll hear more as we figure out which surgeon should do it.  We will take care of our boy.  ❤️

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