Wednesday, April 21, 2021


In late January, we took Leo and his brother, Gizmo into our rescue.  
Leo joined Betsy's home.   
Gizmo and Leo had not been cared for in a very long time.   
But, they began with baths, and then off to the vet when the vet could see them.   
Leo had the most health issues.  His mouth was very bad, he had a heart condition and his prostate was enlarged.  
Gizmo and Leo saw the cardiologist, and Leo's condition was too fragile for surgery.   
He was content and loved-- and he adored Betsy.
Gizmo's dental was taken care of, but Leo could not undergo anesthesia.   
Leo's prostate was very enlarged.  Antibiotics were begun, to see if that would help, but it didn't.  He had been neutered before we got him.  An unneutered dog with prostate issues can be neutered and that usually makes a big difference.  But, when an older, neutered dog has prostate issues, we (and the vets) suspect cancer.   Leo was given limited time.  He was moved to our hospice program.  
Gizmo was doing well and we let him be adopted to a previous adopter and he's doing really well with his new friend, Penny.   
All the dogs liked to "gang up" on the bed.   
When Leo could no longer be helped with medications, he let Betsy know he was ready.   We won't let a dog suffer if we can't relieve the pain.   So, he was held and gently let go.   He is now free of pain and I'm sure he was grateful.   He had all we could give him-- safety, care, love, great food.   Letting him go was the ultimate act of kindness by his foster mom.  
Run free now, sweet man.  Love was with you....


  1. Leo found love and kindess at Bety's home and I bet he had tons of fun when he could there too.
    What a great old boy Leo was!

  2. Farewell sweet boy, you were relieved of pain with tears as you made your journey over Rainbow Bridge.

    Say hello to my LadyBug, Patches and Cupcake.
