Friday, April 23, 2021


Gracie is doing well since she came to us last week. 
She had mobility issues and needed a yard so we moved her to a new foster home.  The original foster had hoped to keep her, but they realized they weren’t the best fit.  I appreciated that. 
Gracie is doing better now that she can roam a yard. Her legs are getting stronger.  
Her foster brothers are Butters the Pekingese.  Norbert the poodle is a trained service dog and is very smart.   They are both doing so well with Gracie. 
Gracie has a little toy and her foster mom threw it. And guess what?!  Gracie brought it back.  All almost-7 pounds of her!!
Gracie will continue care with the vet.  We are so happy to see the progress she has made.  WE ARE RESCUE!  
What a precious girl. 🌸


1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that Gracie has a yard to do her exercises in and ... she has two friends to do them with too !!! lol
