Friday, April 2, 2021

Licorice and Lanikai

Licorice, now Magoo,  is beautiful now.
Here he was when we got him-- confused, scared, unhealthy, dirty and matted.   
But, life is good now!    He has a  sister named Lanikai. 
When he came into rescue in October, he didn’t know what grass was or about being housetrained.  
But, he’s so smart and he has adapted well and has good house manners.  
He looks so much like Sissy.   I can tell the difference but I’m not sure everyone could.  They look like brother and sister— maybe they are. 
He is a great eater.  
And a relaxed napper,  too. 
From his adoption ride after Christmas, he has become a cherished family member.  
The Potomac Six’ lives have certainly changed.   Magoo is a beautiful example of how much better they are. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that this little"midnight Peke" called Licorice has a wonderful home with a four legged friend to boot!!!

    He looks so happy Linda !!!
