Tuesday, April 20, 2021


During the pandemic, we can't do much traveling.  But, we did go to see Granger.  And he was in his box.  (His latest box, LOL.)    (His mom is my daughter.)
I couldn't take everyone, but Sissy went.  She is not my outgoing one, so she stayed close.  
My son in law is building a little tree fort for the grandkids.  It's awesome!
Bogie tried to check it out, but he doesn't know how to climb ladders.  
Sissy just looked and said, "No way."   
The dogs explored the yard.  
Everything was new.
I got a picture of Zoey next to Granger-- quite a size difference!!   Zoey is 11-12 pounds, and Granger is 19-20.  
Granger found a paper bag and tried to get in it, but he just managed to squash it.  The antics and noise!   Bogie couldn't figure out what he was doing.  
So, he got on my lap to rest.  
Bogie, Zoey and Sissy had fun on their field trip, I think.  It was all new, but they did well.
I love this picture.   They curled up together.  💜
And Granger-- well, you all know Granger.  He just stayed on his paper sack bed and took a nap.  🤣

1 comment:

  1. You know .... Granger is a very cheap dog to keep.... he only needs a paper sack!! lol
    Kisses to old Granger and his paper bags - lol
