Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Poochie was (we think) the daddy of the 2 puppies of the Bristol 18.   He came  to my house for fostering, so some of the pictures bring a sweet memory.
He was in terrible shape-- dirty, matted.  His coat was so dull.  
We groomed him, and he had his first bath-- probably in forever.  
Here he is with my Max-- Max is now at the Rainbow Bridge.  I love this picture.  
And there's Starlight peeking out.   Poochie was a content soul.
Max and Poochie-- he has such sweet eyes.  
He even knew how to sit pretty.  What a dollbaby.
He is absolutely cherished in his forever home.    
He is almost 16 now!  (We were told he was 5 when we got him, so he could be older, we just don't know.)
He is catered to at his home and he has a sister (human) who loves him.
He tolerates baths-- and his coat is beautiful now.   
There aren't many left from the Bristol 18, over half are gone now.  But, we made a different for them.  They were cherished and loved and they had wonderful lives.   WE ARE RESCUE.  💓


  1. I remember you Poochie when you were rescued such a long time ago .

    My oh my you look so great and you are such a very old gentleman too!!

    That is love and kindness for you!

    Poochie you look a bit like my Yum Yum - both "midnight Pekes" !!!

  2. I love this story and the fact that Poochie is enjoying a wonderful life after so much neglect.
