Saturday, May 8, 2021


Bric came into rescue after his owner took him to a shelter.  No reason was given.  He was 13 years old.
Bric was terrified, but his foster mom, Marti, has brought him a long way.   
He no longer presses himself into a corner on the couch.  Now he relaxes and feels good in his foster home.   But, he has shown us something.   He doesn't like certain scents and if his foster mom washes her hands with them, he will growl at her.  He hates rose scented soap.   I wonder if  it brings a memory??   He loves lavender scented soap and will lay his head on her palm if she uses that.    Have you ever noticed your dog reacting to scents?  
We don't know anything about his past, so we don't know if this is a reaction to something from his past.   Bric is showing that he is fine with some things and his foster mom is learning.    We have to be teachable with these dogs.   Share any experiences you've had.   Bric is doing well, and so trusting of his foster mom.  That makes my heart glad.  


  1. No I have never had a dog that knows scents!

    I have called many of my dogs after perfume.... Lulu after the perfume by Cacharel ,Coco by Chanel , Oscar (our pugx maltese )named after the perfume Oscar de la Renta and we did have a cat called Jicky after the famous Guerlain perfume.
    Yum Yum is not a perfume but a double word and we have always had Peke's with double names.

    I have to agree with Bric.... some rose scents are not great and I wonder if lavender makes him calm like they say this plant does?

  2. This is the most interesting ever, I've never considered it but I wonder if there are other cases of that and we didn't realize that they were reacting to that.
