Saturday, May 22, 2021


I somehow hurt my back/hip. I’ve been icing it. Bogie came up to keep me company. 
I asked my husband to bring Zoey up but I pointed to Minnie. Their coloring is so similar. I looked at the end of the bed—and there was Minnie.  She doesn’t like being on furniture.  But, she looked around and seemed content. 
I asked my grandson to bring Zoey up. He said, “who?”   He calls her the Pom Pom and enjoys harassing me. 🤣. He brought her up.  He absolutely adores Zoey.  It’s not reciprocated. 😳😂
She curled up next to me.  She is very attached.   I never figured why she wasn’t adopted, but her attachment to me grew, so she stayed.  
Sissy-Missy and Bogie and Paddington were there, too.   So was Barty. But Bogie had chased him under the bed.  It’s never boring.  
I hope I can get back to normal soon.   Maybe I needed a break and rest.  My faithful crew is helping me. ❤️


  1. So sweet. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Take it easy Linda and let that back have a couple of days off!!

  3. haha ! too many pekes and accidentally getting the wrong ones. so cute. I love how your family is involved =] feel better <3 x0x0
