Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Bogie was telling Callie that something was different in the yard.  “MOM!  Did you know there’s a new fence??”
Yes, Bogie.  I know that.  

We had to replace it after Callie Hound went through and over the last one.  She kind of messed it up big time.   (Callie has “panic attacks” and is now on meds to help her.  But, it didn’t save the fence so it was replaced by my husband. The posts are higher and screwed into place.)
Minnie was mesmerized by it!   
Minnie is deaf, and can barely see.  But, she knew something was different.  
In fact, she stayed over there for awhile.  What was going on in her yard? (Don’t worry, no one can get out the low area.). 
I carried Zoey inside and came back.  Minnie was still there.  

 She must have told Sissy-Missy because she headed over to check it out also.  Then Callie went over.   I don’t know what was so mesmerizing about a new fence but it sure got their attention. 🤷. Have you had this happen with a new addition in your yard? 

1 comment:

  1. Your husband did a great job with the fence!
    I guess the peke's were just doing their "Health and Safety" checks ! lol
