Friday, June 11, 2021


Minnie is 16 years old!  Time to celebrate. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚
She came into rescue three years ago with three others. 
Her mom had a severe heart issue and was suffering.   I held her and we let her go.  Minnie’s dad, KoKo, was adopted.   He was 14 at the time.  Minnie’s son, Andy, was also adopted.  They didn’t seem attached to each other.    
With Zoey here, I get these two confused at times. They are close in size. 
Their cream markings are so similar. 
They are missing opposite eyes and both have minimal sight and no hearing. 
Minnie was so stressed when we got her.  She couldn’t be handled without terrible trembling.  Prozac has helped a lot but she still has stress issues.  
She will let me pick her up and carry her—- only on my right side.  
She had eye issues. We couldn’t save her left eye, but surgery saved her right eye. 
She has found a peacefulness here.  She wants to know where I am.  
She sleeps by my side of the bed.  
Minnie is a forever foster because of her stress issues. We didn’t think she could handle another change.  So, she has a home here. She is quiet and sweet in her own way.   We love her. πŸ’–