Monday, June 28, 2021


Granger is here to visit-- Tuk Tuk is, too. 
Granger can find so many spots to hang out. 
Some are easy to spot.  
Some are in plain sight.
He can look out the window.
Or jump the low gate to the "no dog" area.  
We know he likes to dig.  
Sometimes, he gets under things.
And it's hard to find him.   This is in the back under the table.   Only seen from the side.   
And if you call, he DOES NOT ANSWER.  
He found a spot under a piano bench.
He climbed up the step, to the window seat, and onto the grandchild bed in our room.
Yep, he was comfy.
BUT.   This was classic!  I could hear him under the bed.  But, I couldn't see him.   So, I got a flashlight, and somehow he had gotten INTO the box spring mattress through a tear in the fabric.  I had to pull the fabric off, and help him find the exit.  REALLY??
Why do dogs like to be under a bed??
Finding him on the couch is much better!!  Help me out, Granger.   Stay in view!  😁

1 comment:

  1. The in-the-boxspring is a classic cat move....nice work, Granger!!!
