Friday, July 16, 2021


We have been busy  this week.  Messages coming. Pleas for help.  We got Oscar last week and he’s in quarantine w an upper respiratory infection.   He is getting the care he needs and I'm so glad he came into rescue.   
Then, we were asked to help Daniel-- when shelters become dangerously full, dogs get put down.   It's not the first choice, but when shelters are in overload, they simply have no choice unless rescues can step in to help.  Daniel is doing well.  He's a goofy and happy boy so far.   
We are checking on a Peke in West Virginia, but as we do that, we got a request to help this little one.  
We have transport all set up to get her.   She is supposed to be sweet.   I don't know much about her yet, but will post more as we learn about her.   I think rescues are going to get busier as people return to work, and some of the dogs adopted during the pandemic will be turned into shelters.    It's already happening.   When this does happen, we will be looking for more foster homes.   If this is something you would like to do, you can fill out an application on our web site.  You must be in Virginia or Maryland.    (

Rescue is busy-- but we keep trying to help those who need us.  

1 comment:

  1. Where I live we are now into our 5th Lock Down.
    So we must stay home until Tuesday.... that is , if the numbers go down. could be longer.
    Home schooling has started again for my grandkids.

    I have a bad feeling it will be the same in Australia when people go back to work and their poor dogs that they bought for company in Lock Down are not wanted.
    Just makes me shudder!

    I am so sorry for you all as I know your rescue is so very busy .
    If I lived near you Linda I would take one of the dogs so I do hope you get some foster people real soon and , of course some adoptions!!
    Hugs to you all.
