Monday, July 26, 2021


Fancy came to us in October of 2020.  
She has been taken from a homeless woman who was living in a car.  The homeless woman was committed to a place to get help.  But, Fancy was traumatized.  You couldn’t touch her.  She was fearful of everything.   
She was at Lisa’s as a foster.   Lisa just let her be who she needed to be.  
Over the last nine months, Fancy has come to trust Lisa most of the time, but the trauma she endured still raises its head at time.  That fear can surface.   
Because of the pandemic, it was hard to expose her to others.   Lisa has a friend they visit to give Fancy a chance to see that others are okay, too.  
But, after awhile, Fancy is ready to go home.  
Fancy is still not adoptable.   She needs more time.  
To give her more ‘outside the house time’ (other than the back yard), Lisa found a double stroller.  
Her Paisley and Fancy will go for rides and also be safe from hands reaching out to her.   (Even when we tell people not to touch, some still will 🤦‍♀️.). 
Fancy can come so far since she came into rescue.   Lisa said she just follows Fancy’s lead.  But, I think it’s the love she feels there.  ❤️  Lisa is wonderful. 🥰

1 comment:

  1. Timid dogs sometimes just stay that for life.
    What a beauty little Fancy is and I do hope she gains more confidence and a lovely understanding home.

    I do hope the homeless owner is safe and getting help like Fancy is too.

    Gosh, life can be so hard for some....two legs and four legs !
