Friday, July 2, 2021


Daisy in Oregon says, "it's just too hot!"   The temperatures have been so high in places.  
109 in Oregon???   And so many don't have air conditioning in the Pacific Northwest.  
Sneaky Wu says he's staying inside in Virginia.  
Bogie is just hanging out inside.   My dogs will go out with me, and some want to just stay out.  Nope.  Not happening.  
Inside, Tuk Tuk and Granger play...
and play.   Granger is the best big brother.  
Bogie has ventured out.  "Mom, it's hot out there!"  He has good nare openings in his nose.   But, those with small nose openings have more trouble.
Buddy BooBoo in Colorado is fine-- it was 63 there.  Not too hot.    Send some of that cool air our way.
Yum Yum is in Australia.  It's winter there and in the 50's.  He's loving the cool weather.  
Meanwhile, here, Tuk Tuk loves to be on the vent-- that's after he tears up the piddle pad.  
Paddington says, "I'm just staying in, on mom's lap."   He's had enough of puppy antics, so my lap is the best place to be.   

When it's hot, remember, your dog cannot cool off and flat faced dogs have great difficulty cooling off.  Keep them inside.  Keep them cool.  


1 comment:

  1. Oh send us some heat !!!

    No - Yum Yum does not like to be cold - he is sitting on the heater vent as I type! lol
