Saturday, July 10, 2021


Summer weather can mean swinging on the porch like Crosby. 
It can also mean rain, wind and lightning and thunder.   NOISE. 
Daisy has been through a lot.  She was a breeder dog. I know she’s had a lot of stress in her life and now has a family who loves her.  I wonder if loud noise like thunder (or fireworks) effect her.  
Zoey can’t hear and she doesn’t react to noise. 
Minnie can’t hear either but last night she was whining and nervous as thunder was outside.   Maybe she could feel it.  
Dogs can hear thunder before we do.   Callie is terrified of loud noises. This week, it rained and we had lightning and thunder.   She was afraid to be out but also afraid to come in.   She stood in the rain, getting soaked through.   We finally convinced her to come in and we wrapped her up and gave her meds.  
Bogie is fine.  But, others may need:  white noise, thunder shirts, a safe place to hide.    Fans turned on high can help, too.   On July 4th, I put on music turned up loud to help the stressed dogs here.  
Piper just needs to be held. Callie needs meds to help her.   Does your dog react to storms?   What things do you do to help?    We want our dogs to be okay in all kinds of weather.  

1 comment:

  1. No Yum Yum does not mind storms but ..... oh boy, he does not like the cold and we are having Very cold mornings as its winter.

    Enjoy your summer and send some heat to us please! lol
