Monday, August 9, 2021


Daniel came into rescue and we noticed his sight was a little off.   But, he seemed to have adapted so well.
We have no idea of his history-- did he live in or out?   He wasn't housetrained.   We found out he also had a bladder infection.   It's common in our rescues.   (Belly bands help when they have infection.)
Daniel traveled to his foster home in Richmond.   
He seems to like it there and was adjusting to a new place.  But, then, he had a seizure one day.  And another and another and another.   He was in 24 hour emergency care to control the cluster seizures he was having and he was begun on seizure medication.   There can be many things that contribute to seizures.   Pekes are one of the breeds more prone to seizures.  Daniel may have been born with a genetic disposition toward seizures.  He could have had a head injury.   Kidney and liver issues can also lead to seizures (but his levels are fine).  Poison and brain issues (tumors) can also cause seizures.   Only an MRI would tell us if there is a brain issue, but they are so expensive, we don't do them.   It wouldn't change how to move forward with treatment.  We want to control the seizure activity.
Daniel was put on seizure meds, and the first few days were rough.  He paced a lot and was "off" but he is doing better now.   
He is learning to relax and feel safe.  He is supposed to be neutered this week, so we'll see if the vet thinks it's okay or if he needs to wait until he's been on his new meds longer.
For now, Daniel is just relaxing in his foster home.  He DOES seem to know how to relax.  😁😏

1 comment:

  1. I am praying that the meds will be good for Daniel and he tolerates them and they do him well as he is such a pretty boy.
    Relax now Daniel and get better!
