Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Sissy, and Bogie, have been with me since late October-- over 9 months.  
She and Bogie love each other-- Bogie has more energy since he is younger.
My fosters-- so cute.  Bogie, Zoey and Sissy.
I love this view.  
Sissy has fought ear infections since she came into rescue.   We have done a lot to help her-- now we begin on a new, more refined diet to see if that helps.   
Some fosters just have more "determined" issues.    But, it doesn't get in the way of how loving she is.   She has decided she needs to sleep by my head.  
With her ear issues, I didn't expect an eye issues.   
We don't know what happened-- Pekes have no nose in front of their eyes to protect them.  A nose is kind of like a radar and without it, the eyes can get hurt.    Eyes can get scratched by anything-- sticks on the ground, a busy, playful activity.  And then bacteria can enter so fast and cause a bigger problem.  Sissy already had an infection starting.   
She was suddenly squinting late Thursday evening.   We went to the vet on Friday morning and I still felt uneasy.   So, I called the ophthalmologist and they fit us in.   (I'm so fortunate that we have three offices in our area that see eye issues.)    
Sissy received a new med plus pain meds and she received drops every hour for the first six hours and then every four hours for five days.    (I learned to use my iphone timer-- LOL.  Desperation makes us learn new things.)
She is squinting less and holding her eye open.   We have a recheck today.
I'll let you know how her recheck goes.  I expect good news.   


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