Thursday, September 30, 2021


Fey was found on the porch of someone who used to work at my vet in Virginia Beach.  She was found near Raleigh, NC.  
She picked the right porch!   They knew of our rescue and contacted me.   Fey was held for the legal required time, but no one claimed her.   So, she came to us.   
She was so cute.   Melissa, who found her, had bathed her three times to clean her up and Fey felt better.   When she came into rescue, a groomer stepped forward to help her, patiently trimming the many mats and knots on her body.  She was so matted that she could barely walk, but she was freed up!
She loves her foster home, rolling around as if she had no cares in the world.  
She has such a sweet personality.    Her foster home isn't close to me, but I met her a few weeks ago!  
And she's as cute in person as she is in pictures.  
She gets along with the others, all rolling around in fun.
Fey's initial vet visit showed a heart murmur and the vet recommended she see a cardiologist.  It took a while to get the appointment, but it was this week.  It wasn't what we expected.   
She's a happy girl, with no hint of anything going on.  But, her heart murmur is greater on the right side than the left and she has an enlarged heart.  She also has leaking valves, and high blood pressure.  Additional tests are being run and more chest xrays will be taken.   She is now on Vetmedin and Sildenafil.   She will return in a few months for a recheck.   (Yes, she climbed on the table all by herself to get a better view.)
The cardiologist said dogs in Fey's condition normally live 6-12 months.    We hope it's much longer, but she will now be a permanent foster dog, remaining in our care, being loved in her foster home.   She will be cared for as if  she were their own dog.  She is already loved like she is.  💜  The picture shows how much Fey loves where she is.  

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Clancee Marie (a PVPC alumni) moved to New Jersey and that meant a new home, and a new groomer.  A girl needs to keep up her appearance. 
She helped her mom celebrate her birthday!  They had a big cake and lots of fun!  
She has big new beds. And even a tiny crown bed in the background.  
Can you see it?  
The new groomer brought all her things and came to the house. 
Clancee Marie was given special treatment.  
Look how beautiful she is!   She loves everything about her new life in New Jersey!  She’s a happy girl. 💖

Tuesday, September 28, 2021



Suzie  was an out of state shelter.   No owner showed up and another rescue asked us to help.  
Suzie came to us last Thursday and immediately saw the vet.  
A groomer volunteered to clean her and she had to be shaved down because of how bad her condition was.  But, Suzie was so good!   
Suzie has a small eye -- we don't know what happened, but it doesn't need to be removed.  Her other eye is fine.
Her coat will be beautiful when it grows back in.  
We did a 4DX test on Suzie-- it's a test for tick diseases, and the heartworm test is part of it.  Unfortunately, we found that Suzie is heartworm positive.   We will begin her treatment this week.

She's being fostered in the mountain area of Virginia and it was a little chilly!   So, she has a sweater on.  
Welcome to rescue, Suzie!!!   We're so glad you are here.  

Monday, September 27, 2021



Precious Bogie came into rescue last October with Sissy and four others.   I had them all at my house temporarily and then they went to foster homes.    Bogie and Sissy stayed here.
Sissy and Bogie were adopted together and returned two weeks later.   I wasn't sure why-- it just wasn't a good fit.   (They said Sissy looked out the window for me to return-- for the entire time she was there.)
They had been part of a large group of dogs living inside a home and the owner died.  They had not been outside.  They were medical, needing care.  (Sissy is still dealing with ear issues.)
People told me Bogie had a "sad face."  But, all of that group had that look-- a sad face, but they were happy!  
Sad eyes-- but happy boy!  I kissed his face so often-- and he let me.  (I don't recommend this with all dogs-- some aren't a fan.)
Bogie was here for 11 months total.    He was the most joyful dog I've ever had here.  
He loved everyone!!  
It was his job to help with virtual school last year.  
The other kids loved it!
He played and played and played.
So, don't let the sad eyes fool you.   It's not his personality.  
There's that happy look!
Sissy and Bogie played a lot.  But, over time, she was getting tired of it.  They were attached, but I wondered if they would be okay apart.
Yes, they sometimes slept together.  
But, they both curled up with other dogs, too.
Bogie was often part of this trio.
Watching out doors....
and windows.
It was a job he could do himself.  
Or with a friend.
He loved sharing beds.
He even started to get along with Paddington-- both are more bossy with other males.   
Bogie is so young.  I'm not.  I thought he deserved a younger family.  A family he could grown old with.   
So, silly Bogie did a trial visit to see how he would do-- and how Sissy would do.   
And guess what-- they both did fine.   Sissy has eyes for me.  She is older and sleeps by my head and now Bogie sleeps with his new mom and dad.   
I made a cup so I still can have my morning coffee with both of them.   Letting Bogie go was not easy.  I thought about it and ached over it and hurt over making a decision about him.   If any dog could be happy in another home, it's Bogie.  He LOVES people.   When he got there, he was running around greeting them-- "You're my new best friend."   If Bogie had not had a wonderful trial visit, he would have come back to me.   I have a lot of dogs here-- my goal is for them to be adopted if they can.  And Bogie was a perfect candidate for a new home-- happy, loving, easy.   They are going to work on his housetraining.   He came a long way here, and they will continue that process.   
Bogie is doing great (forget the sad eyes!).   They are so in love with him.  They are the family I could have let him go to because of so many things.  They've adopted before and have been incredible.   They were wiling to continue to work with him, knowing his "faults."   They had Sugar, a PVPC alumni that he hoped to become friends with-- and little by little, they are.  Bogie will win her over, I'm sure.  

Was it hard to let him go?  You bet.  I kissed him 1000 times before he left.  Just ask his new mom.  But, it what we do in rescue.  We try to find them forever homes.  And don't worry about Sissy.  You'll see more of her story later.  She will be just fine!
(Please refrain from making any comments that show you may not agree with my decision here. 
 It was not easy-- and made only with love for Bogie.)