Thursday, September 30, 2021


Fey was found on the porch of someone who used to work at my vet in Virginia Beach.  She was found near Raleigh, NC.  
She picked the right porch!   They knew of our rescue and contacted me.   Fey was held for the legal required time, but no one claimed her.   So, she came to us.   
She was so cute.   Melissa, who found her, had bathed her three times to clean her up and Fey felt better.   When she came into rescue, a groomer stepped forward to help her, patiently trimming the many mats and knots on her body.  She was so matted that she could barely walk, but she was freed up!
She loves her foster home, rolling around as if she had no cares in the world.  
She has such a sweet personality.    Her foster home isn't close to me, but I met her a few weeks ago!  
And she's as cute in person as she is in pictures.  
She gets along with the others, all rolling around in fun.
Fey's initial vet visit showed a heart murmur and the vet recommended she see a cardiologist.  It took a while to get the appointment, but it was this week.  It wasn't what we expected.   
She's a happy girl, with no hint of anything going on.  But, her heart murmur is greater on the right side than the left and she has an enlarged heart.  She also has leaking valves, and high blood pressure.  Additional tests are being run and more chest xrays will be taken.   She is now on Vetmedin and Sildenafil.   She will return in a few months for a recheck.   (Yes, she climbed on the table all by herself to get a better view.)
The cardiologist said dogs in Fey's condition normally live 6-12 months.    We hope it's much longer, but she will now be a permanent foster dog, remaining in our care, being loved in her foster home.   She will be cared for as if  she were their own dog.  She is already loved like she is.  💜  The picture shows how much Fey loves where she is.  


  1. Oh Vetmedin is a great drug.... gave my Moi Moi many years.
    So glad you have her and she will live her life out with love and care !

    You are all Peke Angels !

    Hugs to Fey!

  2. This story brought tears for me because we are dealing with the same problems. Because our vet had a family emergency our little Queen Willow was seen by another vet who wanted us to wait for our regular vet. I'm on pin and needles waiting for Friday's appointment.
