Friday, October 1, 2021


Taking care of Rescue dogs
Is something I do best
I know because I've done it,
and I've surely passed the test.
The dogs I've bathed, the food I've fed,
The vet trips that I've done,
And all to watch a frightened soul
Sit dreaming in the sun.
My own dogs need attention
And I tell them every day,
That I love and cherish each of them
Though new dogs come to stay.
I know they understand this,
For in their eyes I see
The love that I have given them
Come shining back at me.
Some people think I'm crazy,
Some others think I'm great
But very few can understand
What really is at stake.
If I can love and help a dog
To find a better way,
My own life is much richer,
That's all I need to say.
So now you know my secret,
It's there for all to see,
The love I give, the life I save,
I do it all for me.
Author Unknown


  1. What a beautiful poem and just so true!

  2. What a great poem, but what's even better is looking at these precious faces who passed through the loving hands of Linda Maxwell.
