Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Minnie is now 16 years and 4 months old.  So many do not make it this far. 
She sleeps a lot--but so do the rest of them.  
She is really in the winter of her life.
It's a beautiful season, though.  
She has one eye and gets dry eye drops.  We use a castor oil based Lacrimor.  (Cyclosporine). I like it more than the water base.  
Minnie had a little eye issue but a quick local anesthetic and surgery took care of it.  She was good. 
Minnie has ptsd so looking at her eye can be a challenge as she vibrates w strangers.  (My old Max RIP in the background.). 
She loves the calming beds.  
Sometimes, my two old girls rest together. They are both deaf. It’s another part of old age.  Diminished appetite can be part of aging also.  Stiff joints, walking slower, losing some hair-  sounds like us!  
I love the seniors. They can begin to have cognitive issues.  They can forget where they are.  They can have accidents.  Minnie will go to her bathroom piddle pad at night.  If her front feet are on it, she thinks she’s good.  But, then she keeps walking— to the wall and will bark for me to get up and rescue her.  And I do.  Every time.  ❤️
She’s my old girl.  She still surprises me sometimes.  She’s still wants to know where I am and will look for me.  
I don’t know how long she has, but she will be loved.  
Do you have a senior dog? 


1 comment:

  1. My first Peke called Lulu lived to nearly 16 .... like Minnie she was a oldie but a goodie!
